Meet our dedicated team of authors who are passionate about sharing the transformative stories of children and families impacted by our mission. Each member brings a unique perspective and a heartfelt commitment to spreading the message of hope and restoration through Jesus Christ.

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The Great Commission is not an Option

Author: Pastor Guillermo Novoa Guillermo Novoa is a life long friend to Impact Initiatives founder, Roberto Chavez, and pastor and friend of Impact Initiatives President, Steve Cervera. Guillermo serves as a consultant to Impact Initiatives. Introduction At the heart...

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Joythi Finds Joy

Joythi Finds Joy

Once upon a time, there was a remarkable young woman named Joythi. She came from a background rich in traditions and beliefs, surrounded by idols and practices of another faith. Despite her strong upbringing, Joythi faced a heartbreaking challenge - she couldn't...

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